CEO - Odelia Haroush
Charity No
SERET INTERNATIONAL – the world’s largest Israeli Film and Television Festival – is proud to present its 9th Dutch edition. Originating 12 years ago in the UK, SERET expanded over time to Germany, the Netherlands, Chile and Argentina, gradually building on its great success in bringing the best of Israel’s cinema to growing audiences.
The festival’s week will include screenings in Amsterdam, Amstelveen and Maastricht featuring films, documentaries and shorts by Israel’s best cinematic talents.
Our guests this year will include film directors Shira Nevo Fridental (All I can do), Shoval Shirt (Stuck, short) and Liat Elkayam screenwriter (Elik & Jimmy),Lead actress Meyran Menkes (Eli & Jimmy) who will conduct Q&A sessions after the screenings of their feature films.
In recent years the Israeli film and TV industry came to be synonymous with quality, international recognition and award winning in some of the world’s most prestigious film festivals, with stars of the Israeli TV and cinema becoming global household names.
SERET INTERNATIONAL provides its audiences with a unique opportunity to explore the creations of some of Israel’s best actors, directors and producers, weaving together the story of Israeli society into a delicate and colorful mosaic and celebrating its richness and diversity.
Odelia Haroush and Patty Hochmann
SERET International Co-Founders
About Stichting SERET Netherlands
Stichting SERET Netherlands is an independent, apolitical, all-inclusive charity, dedicated to engaging Dutch audiences with the richness and diversity of Jewish and Israeli life and culture through the mediums of film and television.
Through our annual festivals, we aspire to showcase the outstanding cinematographic work of leading Jewish and Israeli filmmakers and highlight the contribution of Israeli film and television to the arts and culture industries elsewhere.
For the past 9 years Stichting SERET Netherlands had been playing a vital role in offering Dutch viewers a glimpse into Israel’s innovative, dynamic and passionate film and television industry, by presenting the latest films and bringing top actors, directors and film makers to share their insight and experiences.
Akte van Oprichting Stichting SERET Netherlands Policies
Akte van Statutenwijziging
Stichting SERET Netherlands
Financial Reports
31 December 2022
31 January 2021
31 December 2020
31 January 2019
31 January 2018
Board of Directors
Chair: Noa Shacham
Director: Shai Kuttner
Director: Hanna Luden
Our activities
SERET The Holland Israeli Film & Television Festival
Stichting SERET Netherlands
Oranje Nassaulaan 20A
1075 AN Amsterdam
E. stichtingseretnl@gmail.com
T. +44 7711 421 634
KvK 75125900
RSIN 8601.53.320
The success of the festival depends largely on the support of our donors and sponsors. SERET International makes a significant investment to present the finest new films made in Israel in the last year.
By becoming a contributor, you play a crucial role in this creative process by allowing us to continue to expand our programming and present the Israeli cinema that has become synonymous with SERET.
SERET International is a recognised charity and your gift is tax deductible.
If you have questions or would like information about sponsorship packages and donations,
please email: odelia@seret-international.org
Thank you!
Seret International Limited
16B North End Road
London NW11 7PH
Charity number: 1148131
Bank (GBP): HSBC
Seret International Limited
Sort Code: 40 03 11
Account no: 41626876